Personal Injury

Workplace and Industrial Accidents

Employers are required by law to take safety precautions for their employees, as well as anyone working onsite. If you are injured on an oil rig, plant, or pipeline right-of-way, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, especially in cases of negligence of the company.

When companies fail to properly maintain equipment, fail to enforce safety standards, or fail to train their employees properly, industrial and workplace accidents and injuries can occur, many times with very serious consequences. Falls in work areas, plant explosions, and industrial equipment failure are all examples of workplace and industrial accidents that can all cause catastrophic injuries and even death.

Construction, oil and gas, and other similar companies are concerned with protecting their profits. Colby is concerned with protecting your rights. Colby is relentless when dealing with these companies to protect your rightful compensation, which may include compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Oil and gas employees, construction workers, and contractors have some of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. If you or a loved one have been injured in a workplace or industrial accident, you need to make sure your recovery includes outstanding legal representation.

Don’t delay! Your claims are time sensitive.

Many of our clients have questions regarding their personal injury claims, and we are here to help.

Call Colby Now for a FREE consultation!